(WATCH) ::Illuminate:: by Unicorn Meat NYC [Halloween Festival feat. RJD2]

(WATCH) ::Illuminate:: by Unicorn Meat NYC [Halloween Festival feat. RJD2]

::Illuminate:: Halloween Festival held by Unicorn Meat NYC held in Brooklyn, NY on 10.27.2012

Description from the event page:

“In a secluded part of Brooklyn, detached from the rest of the world, there lies a hidden street you have never been down. You’ve never even noticed it. If you dare to venture down, you will find the cultural oasis of your dreams. As you walk through the dark, you wonder if you’re headed the right way. You stop to listen. You don’t hear anything. It’s eerily quiet. You walk a little further. You still can’t hear it, but for some reason you can feel it. You’re participating in a sacred ritual that many before you have experienced, yet none in quite a place like this.

At the end of the road is a gate protecting an expansive land of sound and color from everyday grime and grit. Inside lies a door leading to a concrete forest of growing marvels. For a special moment in time, separate yourself from the rest of the world, and walk directly into the light.”

(They threw it) Unicorn Meat NYC: http://unicornmeatnyc.com/

(We filmed it) Triple Threat Productions: http://www.facebook.com/ttpnj

Songs (In order)
1. Gemini- Vision
2. Gemini- Graduation
3. DJ S3RL- Butterfly



